Orthopaedic Students


Establishment of Orthopaedic Student Group (OSG)

The Orthopaedic Student Group (OSG) was established in 2018 under the stewardship of Professor Patrick SH Yung, as a chapter of the Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Its membership is comprised of medical students from all academic years from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and The University of Hong Kong. The purpose of the Student Group is to provide a platform for all medical students with an interest in the field of Orthopaedics to gain an insight into the specialty.

Members of the OSG have an opportunity to participate in the activities organized by the Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons, as well as some selected activities organized by the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association. Members are invited to observe the activity of boards and committees and comment where appropriate.

Objectives of the OSG

1. To nurture medical students and and develop an interest in Orthopaedics, for the clinical management of Orthopaedic conditions and research.
2. To act as a platform for communication between medical students and the Academy, and a conduit for the views of medical students to be represented to the Council.
3. To promote medical students engagement and involvement in the Academy.

Committee Members of Orthopaedic Student Group

Members 2023-2024


Dr. ONG Michael Tim Yun


Dr. LAI Jojo


Dr. CHUNG Man Ting Marvin


Mr. CHUI Cho Sang Marco


Mr. KHOO Jun Ren


Mr. LIU Ho Pak Jeremy


Mr. YIP Chun Hei Christopher

Previous Activities

  • Inauguration dinner for the ortho student group (15/11/2018 )

  • HKSI visit (1/12/2018)
    2018 AFSM biennial congress cum HKASMSS 30th anniversary sports medicine conference (30/11 to 1/12/2018)

  • Hong Kong internation wrist arthroscopy workshop and seminar 2018 (15/12/2018 )

  • HKCOS Career Talk on Orthopaedics & Traumatology (11/11/2020 and 12/11/2020 )

    On 11/11/2020 and 12/11/2020, Young Fellows Committee and Orthopaedic Student Group Committee joined hands to host two back-to-back virtual online programs for HKU and CUHK medical students, delivering 8 talks on orthopaedic training and examinations, as well as career pathways in public, academic and private practices. The event was well attended by students from both universities.

    Dr. Paul A. Koljonen, Dr. Michael Tse, Dr. Stephen Chung, Dr. Eric Lam, Dr. Yau Wai Pan (11/11/2020)
    Dr. Michael Mak, Dr. Sheung Wai Law, Dr. Samuel Ling, Dr. Clara Wong, Prof. Patrick Yung (12/11/2020)

    Videos of the events are available in the links below:
    - 11/11/2020
    - 12/11/2020 (Part 1)
    - 12/11/2020 (Part 2)

Coming Activities

The 15th Rehabilitation Symposium cum the 7th Sir Harry Fang Oration organized by the Orthopaedic Rehabilitation Subspecialty Board of The Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons will be held at Kai Chong Tong and Shaw Auditorium, G/F and 1/F, Postgraduate Education Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital, 30-32 Ngan Shing Street, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong on 12 and 13 October 2019 (Saturday and Sunday). - Cancelled


Please click the following button to download the registration form of student member:
